Anxiety and Depression

Of all the mental health problems a person can have…

… anxiety and depression are the two most common.

When stress and disappointment build up because of relationships, work, or life in general, people begin to break down in similar ways.

Miscommunications, insecurities, lack of motivation, and difficulty focusing can all cause so much trouble.

Tackling life’s challenges feels out of reach, and all you want to do is shut down and isolate yourself from the world. You’ve tried to rally yourself, and you can do it for short spurts. But you keep coming back to the same painful and debilitating headspace.

Finding a way to manage painful and frightening thoughts and feelings…

That’s what we’ll do in individual therapy.

Talk therapy has been used and researched for more than 100 years. Practitioners have learned what works and what doesn’t. Streamlining best-practice strategies will help you make progress as quickly as possible.

Together, we will help you understand where and how your problems started. Maybe you didn’t learn important coping strategies early in your life. Or perhaps you have functioned very well in the past but have become overwhelmed by your current life circumstances.

Do you remember what it’s like to have your days be easy and comfortable… when you felt in control and on top of all you needed to accomplish? That’s what I can help you achieve.

I’ll also help you build your overall resiliency.

So, we’ll do more than just manage anxiety and depression. We’ll make sure you’re less susceptible to having the same problems arise again.

You can feel stronger, more focused, sturdier, and more capable. Your self-confidence will improve, and you will be kinder and more compassionate toward yourself.

The things you’ve enjoyed doing in the past will be enjoyable again.

Are you ready for relief?

You deserve this kind of relief, given how much you’ve been suffering.

Regaining control over your thoughts will leave you feeling empowered. And feeling empowered will allow you to get back to life with more vigor and openness.

Let’s get started. Give me a call, and let’s talk about how I can help: (212) 249-5849.